The third obligation is zakah. Every Muslim whose
financial condition is above a certain specified minimum must pay
annually 2.5 percent of his or her cash balance to a deserving fellow
being. This is the minimum. The more you pay, the greater the reward
that God shall bestow on you.
The money that we pay as zakah is not something God
needs or receives. He is above any want and need. He, in His benign
mercy, promises us rewards manifold if we help our brethren. But there
is one basic condition for being thus rewarded. And it is this: that
when we pay in the name of God, we shall not expect nor demand any
worldly gains from the beneficiaries nor aim at making our names as
Zakah is as basic to Islam as other forms of worship: salah
(prayers) and saum (fasting). The fundamental importance of zakah
lies in the fact that it fosters in us the qualities of sacrifice and
rids us of selfishness and plutolatry. Islam accepts within its fold
only those who are ready to give away in God’s way from their hard
earned wealth willingly and without any temporal or personal gain. It
has nothing to do with misers. A true Muslim will, when the call comes,
sacrifice all his belongings in the way of God, for zakah has
already trained him for such sacrifice.
There are immense gains to the society in the institution of zakah.
It is the bounden duty of every well-to-do Muslim to help his lowly
placed poor brethren. His wealth is not to be spent solely for his own
comfort and luxury, as there are rightful claimants on his wealth, and
they are the nation’s widows and orphans; the poor and the invalid; and
those who have ability but lack the means by which they could seek
useful employment; those who have the faculties and brilliance but not
the money with which they could acquire knowledge and become useful
members of the community. He who does not recognize the right on his
wealth of such members of his own community is indeed cruel. For there
could be no greater cruelty than to fill one’s own coffers while
thousands die of hunger or suffer the agonies of unemployment. Islam is
a sworn enemy of such selfishness, greed, and acquisitiveness. People
not ingrained with these morals, devoid of sentiments of universal love,
know only to preserve wealth and to add to it by lending it out on
interest. Islam’s teachings are the very antithesis of this attitude.
Here one shares one’s wealth with others and helps them stand on their
own legs and become productive members of the society.
Hajj, or the pilgrimage to Mecca, is the fourth basic act of
worship. It is obligatory once in a lifetime only for those who can
afford it. When Muslims undertake the pilgrimage, they are required to
suppress our passions, refrain from bloodshed, and be pure in word and
deed. God promises rewards for our sincerity and submissiveness.
The Hajj is, in a way, the biggest of all acts of worship.
This is so because unless people really loved God, then they would never
undertake such a long journey, leaving all their near and dear ones
behind them. It may seem easy now with the appearance of airplanes and
vehicles, but imagine in the past when Muslims had to take a long
arduous journey, facing fatigue, hunger and death, often taking more
than a year!
This pilgrimage is unlike any other journey. Here, pilgrims’
thoughts are concentrated on God, their very beings vibrate with the
spirit of intense devotion. When they reach the holy places, they find
the atmosphere laden with piety and godliness; they visit places which
bear witness to the glory of Islam, and all this leaves an indelible
impression on their minds, which they carry to their last breath.
In addition, there are in Hajj, as in any other act of worship,
many benefits that Muslims can gain. Mecca is the center towards which
the Muslims must converge once a year and discuss topics of common
interest. Hajj refreshes in them the faith that all Muslims are equal
and deserve the love and sympathy irrespective of their geographical or
cultural origin. Thus, Hajj unites Muslims from around the world into
one international brotherhood.
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